Not sure what a Virtual CFO is?

The term “Virtual CFO” sounds like computer software, but it really means an outsourced team of financial professionals. A Virtual CFO partners with – or acts as – your finance department and C-Level executive.

The concept of a Virtual CFO comes from America, where it has been used for over 20 years to describe a senior finance consultant. Oftentimes, these finance professionals acted as an “interim” or “Part Time” CFO. So how has the role developed?

Boost Visibility and Financial Control with a Virtual CFO

Because of changes in employment norms and modern technology, using a Virtual CFO means your business can run more efficiently and can now access global talent.

Our team at Sequel CFO are global leaders in innovative accounting trends and we work with you to maximise business value and plan for the future. Best of all, Virtual CFOs do all this without requiring the heavy overhead and inefficiencies that come from hiring a finance department or senior executive.

Start using Leading Software Xero

Using the leading software Xero, we work with your business through an innovative cloud application. In fact, it was a blog post by Xero that popularised the title “Virtual CFO” in Australia.  

So when we use the word virtual, all we mean is working through a cloud network instead of sitting in your office. But don’t worry – this doesn’t affect communication. It does not mean that the people delivering your service are not real, not available and not by your side.

Optimise Your Financial Strategy

Communication is optimised through a system that allows multiple users to access all the data required. The efficiency of this system means we can work with you in close to real-time, providing wide support across bookkeeping, cash flow management, strategic advice and beyond.

If you’re a growing business, you want to avoid that six-figure salary a CFO requires. With a Virtual CFO, you not only streamline your business, but you gain all the benefits of a CFO at a smaller cost.